look through的用法及例句的相关图片

look through的用法及例句

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look through怎么读

look through的读音是:英[lʊkθruː]。look through造句:1、Let me just look through my list here.让我...

look through的用法

If you look through this special glass, you see things larger than their actual size.你如果透过这块特殊玻璃看东西,所见物体要比实物大一些。5.识破 We hav...

look through是什么意思?

1、读音,英 [lʊk θruː],美 [lʊk θruː]2、look through例句:1)Look through this glass, ...

look through是什么意思

例句:1.As you look through them here, see if you can guess what they are before you read thecaptions.当你看这些照片的时候,看看在你阅读标题之前能否猜出...

look through是什么意思

look through [英][luk θru:][美][lʊk θru]看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看; 对(某人)视而不见;例句使用:1As for doctors,...

look through是什么意思

Look-through Provision 穿透条款 look-through approach 透视法 look straight through someone 对某人视而不见 双语例句:Look through all of your photos and ...

look through的用法 look through的翻译及用法

look through 意思:逐一查看;浏览;翻阅。读音:英 [lʊk θruː] 美 [lʊk θruː]例句:Alway...

look through是什么意思

look through 英[luk θru:]美[lʊk θru][释义](某人或某事) 看穿[识破]; (某物) 仔细检查[审查]; 穿过…看; 对(某人)视而不见;例句 用作动词 (v.)Wome...

look through的用法

一、look through 1. study; examine温习 Look through your notes before the examination.考试前把你的笔记从头至尾看一遍。2.inspect carefully仔细查看 I ...


1、look through看穿[识破](某人或某事); 仔细检查[审查](某物); 穿过…看;As for doctors, when you go to see them they just look right through you.说...

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