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英语四级优秀作文 篇1 If my foreign friend comes to my hometown, I will take her to the Central Avenue .When it comes to the reasons why I choose this place, they can be...英语四级作文范文1 One morning I got up very early and everything around was very quiet. Trees,grasses,and sidewalks were still covered with fresh dew. The sun was...

╯0╰ 更多作文精彩句子: 1.Pets can provide people with comfort and friendship,but too many people treat their pets like their children,spoiling it with all the luxuries money...英语四级作文参考范文一: I like to take him to visit to Beijing ,the capital city of China. Beijing is steeped in culture ,with a history of 3000 yea...

≥▂≤ 作文1:一次印象深刻的校园活动 Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition on a campus event that ...比起全程一对一,结合了视频课的我感觉更高效 跟现在市面上的1v1还是有不同,是那种学习+做题+答疑/...

o(╯□╰)o 作文模板大全 第一部分记叙文题型作文diy 写作步骤 要求考生写一篇记叙文,描述事件发生的时间、地点、原因、人物及结果,最后对事件进行简单分析,如:2003年6月...英语四级作文优秀范文 篇1 When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue thei...

First andforemost, the most famous disabled female writer Zhang Haidi is a case in the point (审阅四级作文时,90%的阅卷老师只看开头和结尾,所以不要在中间一段浪费时间,张海...口语写作都是,考鸭7分团里的。涵盖了口语题库答案、答题技巧、写作范文、表达、模考练习等等。每天结...